Dear Sollars Families,
Welcome to Sollars Elementary School, home of the dragons! DoDEA schools have been serving our military connected students for many years and especially in Misawa! This school year we welcome 520 students in Prekindergarten (PK) to grade 5.
At Sollars we offer a variety of programs including Sure Start, Pre-School Services for Children with Disabilities (PSCD), English Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL), Advanced Academics Programs and Services (AAPS), Special Education (SPED), Reading and Math Intervention Support, Counseling, Art, Physical Education, Host National Culture Classes, Before and After School Clubs.
We are committed to keeping the health and safety of our students and teachers our top priority. In that spirit, DoDEA unveiled a new version of its COVID-19 Operational Guidelines and Protocols for Schools. These updated guidelines and protocols prioritize health and safety.
At Sollars we believe that by working together and building a positive school-community relationship is the way to achieve student success. We encourage families to get involved and be active participants in their child’s education. We have a very supportive and active PTO. Please consider joining the PTO (it is free!) and become active in our school community. We also have a School Advisory Committee (SAC) that is comprised of teachers and parents who support our efforts
Our vision at Sollars Elementary is - Excellence in education for every students, everyday, everywhere. Our school community is here to serve our students.
Please contact the school office if you have questions. From our school team, it is an honor and a privilege to serve our military families. We look forward to a great school year!
Principal, Sollars Elementary School